Phil Broadbery
Location: United Kingdom I PKF Littlejohn
Tel: +44 20 7516 2235
Email: pbroadbery@pkf-l.com
Professional Experience
Phil is the firm’s Chief Digital Officer and lead technology partner.
Having worked in many sectors and technology areas over the last 30 years, Phil now applies his experience to delivering value across a wide spectrum of solutions, including digital transformation, data analytics and cyber security.
Phil specialises in the automation of processes to enable the streamlining of delivery – removing repetitive tasks, reducing human error and focusing on adding value to our clients – and the use of data analytics to provide insight. He believes effective collaboration provides a solid foundation for digital transformation and works closely with clients to unlock the power of the cloud, helping them to understand where their investment in technology can return maximum value by relating capability to business need.
He is a regular speaker on technology and has facilitated many workshops to create environments for innovation which deliver projects that enhance our workplaces and our customer experiences.
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