Felipe Suarez Martinez
Location: Colombia I PKF Amézquita
Tel: (+57) 3108580727
Email: sfelipez@amezquita.com.co
Professional Experience
Lawyer with a Master's Degree in Business Law (LLM) from Instituto de Empresa - IE Law School, Master’s Degree in Government Contracting, with more than 11 years of professional experience in Corporate Law in commercial and corporate matters, legal auditing, compliance, local and international asset protection matters for Family Business and Corporate Governance.
Currently is Legal Manager at Amézquita & Cia. - PKF Colombia, being responsible and leader of the management of the legal business of the company, advising different national and international companies in corporate law matters, having the experience of incorporating diverse types of businesses through legal vehicles in his country and in the region. Clients have found in Felipe a counselor for day-to-day business development, understanding the requirements of the clients and breaking down the entry barriers that international companies have in new economies.
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