Providing highest quality professional services to clients with complete independence and integrity
PKF was established in Nigeria in 1952. We have established an enviable reputation as a high-quality firm totally committed to its clients. That reputation is built on the thoroughness and integrity of audit practice and other services that we render.
The practice has built up a wide range of public and private sector clients and carried out audits and other services in all sectors of the economy.
Our range of services includes: Audit and assurance, Tax compliance and advisory services, Corporate finance, Accounting and IFRS services, IT Consulting and Corporate Secretarial services.
Our Vision is to be a highly respected professional service firm and the preferred choice for discerning clients
Our Mission is to provide the highest quality professional services to all clients with complete independence and integrity, in an efficient and effective manner, whatever their size and wherever they are located.
Office Address
PKF Professional Services (ng)
Key Contact