PKF North America COVID Hub
We’re proud to share a wealth of insights and advice that is being generated by our network in the North America Region. In extraordinary times, knowledge sharing is proving to be the most effective, and fastest, route to overcoming the challenges we face today.
- Hutchinson and Bloodgood LLP COVID-19 Resource Centre
- PKF Texas COVID-19 Updates and Resource Centre
- PKF O'Connor Davies COVID-19 Resource Center
- JLK Rosenberger LLP COVID-19 Resource Center
- PKF Mueller - COVID 19 Insights
- Berkowitz, Pollack, Brant - COVID-19
Throughout COVID-19, the PKF network of independent member firms has proven their ability to move with agility and speed to provide reliable and timely advice to their clients. Please see news, insights and publications from across our network of 220 firms.

PKF Nigeria - COVID 19 Bulletin
The outbreak of the deadly Corona virus, Covid-19 Pandemic has thrown the entire world into a near state of panic, with national governments announcing various measures aimed at containing the spread of the disease. Many states and cities are on complete lockdown and the effects of economic disruption are being felt by businesses irrespective of the size or sector.

PKF Thailand - COVID-19 Business Support Measures Report
The latest COVID 19 - BUSINESS SUPPORT MEASURES report (dated: 9th April 2020) prepared by the JFCCT, providing a summary of Thai Cabinet approved relief measures for Thai companies to support the economy during COVID 19 crisis on 10 March and 24 March 2020, as well as an additional Corporate Compliance Summary and comments on the State of Emergency declared by PM Prayut Chan-o-cha.

PKF Australia Pulse Autumn 2020
Our regular Pulse newsletter has been prepared and provides a welcome escape from COVID-19 providing you with key business insights, tips and value direct from our team of specialist advisers.

PKF Francis Aickin COVID-19 Day 1 Update
General comments and updates on the latest industry insights in New Zealand.

PKF New Zealand -Government announces $12.1b support package in response to Coronavirus (COVID-19)
The Labour-led government has outlined a ‘once in a lifetime’ support and economic stimulus package to address the unrivalled impacts of COVID-19 on New Zealand.

PKF Hamilton - Is Your Business Prepared for COVID-19?
With the Government ramping up responses and actions to mitigate the impact of Covid-19, My Advisor director John Marshall has put together some useful information for businesses dealing with the Covid-19 crisis.

Changes in Hungary’s payroll law
PKF Hungary reviews the changes made to the taxation and annual limitations of Hungary’s Széchenyi Holiday Card that are taxed as non-fringe benefits.
For more information on PKF Hungary, visit:

Shortened working hours subsidy in Hungary
PKF Hungary explores the rules of the subsidy relating to employment under shortened working hours and considers the recent amendment in the regulation.
For more information on PKF Hungary, visit: